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What is GSAT and why do I need to do the course?


Updated: Apr 28, 2022

All workers who require entry to the Security Restricted Area (and therefore require an airside staff permit) must first complete General Security Awareness Training (GSAT) provided by a DfT certified training provider, according to EU and Department for Transport legislation. The Department for Transport has defined the training's scope and substance, as well as the credentials and expertise of the course designers and instructors.

A General Security Awareness Test (GSAT) is a one-hour test that is required as part of the application process for an airside ID card (airside pass). According to EU regulation 2015/1998, you must show that all permanent and temporary employees have received the necessary security awareness training.

According to current EU legislation, anybody who wants to participate in security training must first pass a background/pre-employment check. This check will be performed by the employer, or a prospective employer, as part of the employee application for an airside permit.

Who requires GSAT training?

  • airside office workers

  • airline and other operational staff who go airside

  • including passenger staff

  • cargo staff

  • drivers

  • engineering and maintenance staff

  • loaders, refuellers etc

  • All commercial staff who work in the Security Restricted Area including shop, catering, and service staff in departure and arrivals areas, and the staff who maintain the shops and facilities

How long does a GSAT certificate last?

A GSAT certificate lasts for 5 years or where the airport or circumstances require it to be renewed within a shorter period. For example, if you work at different airports or within different employers at the same airport within those 5 years you will have to retake your GSAT Certification.

How can VettingGateway help?

VettingGateway can assist by integrating with Redline's online test, this integration will send you directly to Redline which will provide interactive learning, self-assessment questions, and a final exam to meet this standard and provide a Department of Transport certification. Then allow VettingGateway to collect their personal information and perform a short background check so you can make an informed decision.

For more information on how VettingGateway can help click here, or you can sign up for your three free starter licence by clicking here.


The information Provided by VettingGateway in this blog was published on the 20/12/2021, all information was relevant at the time of publishing however as our landscape is forever changing this information may not remain valid.



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